Rose Gold Romance – 35 Love Notes…To Self

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Daily Affirmations


Thanks for making our original post a success. “35 Love Notes to Self”  affirmations that originally premiered on this blog are NOW available in a new purse-size book coming March 2023. ORDER on!

#selflove is #selfcare and it is essential; these notes say how I owe it to myself to live life like it’s #rosegolden !

As February, a month of love, comes to a close, let the love continue! Too often, our busy schedules push us to underestimate me time. Make some time to nurture the relationship within. For each day of March and a few for April, you will find a #selflove #selfcare affirmation!  Thanks for stopping by and let’s make this month #rosegolden! 

The Power of Affirmations

Over the years, I knew many people who were fans of affirmations. These positive thoughts are to be spoken verbally to ourselves and out into the universe. They are strategically written in present tense to help initiate change in your thought life and ultimately, your life. I had always been into writing New Year’s resolutions in the form of wishes. I was always a fan of writing goals and prayers during different seasons, but I never really got into affirmations. At 35, a new reality is being formed. After surviving many storms and overcoming many challenges, I still have to remind myself to affirm myself in order to continue to move forward. I have to stop and take care of myself and acknowledge what hardships I have had and how these hardships may shake things up, but never my foundation. This is a new season in my life where there is a need to redefine and rewire the brain…break negative thought patterns, speak many things into existence…and keep moving forward no matter what.

Coming from the Latin word affirmare meaning “to make firm, steady, strengthen”, affirmations are for many a proven way to rethink and act on a better life.  This is a great time to try something new. So I wrote 35 affirmations to ponder on, speak on and act on. Feel free to use them as well. MW

35 Affirmations of

#selflove #selfcare


Note to Self:

Day 1

I breathe in blessings. I breathe out burdens.

A safe place is created when I live simply, but deeply.

I am balanced and steady.


…And the #EclecticallyYouExperience continues.

These past 35 days,

thanks for joining us!

Check out our Instagram page to see how others are stepping up to the #EYEDIYchallenge! Join in on the journey!